KP Stellar astrology is another powerful science for helping people find, follow & adopt their destined path of present and future, finally leading a Happy, Smiling, and God Loving journey throughout their lives.
The fundamental basics of KP astrology are commonly known as “4 Step Significator” where we give importance to the Planet, Star-Lord, Sub Lord & Star lord of Sub lord. Just to refresh our memories, the meaning for significators are:
a) Planet which acts a Source or can be termed as the “Tree”
b) Star-Lord defines the Result or can be termed as “Fruit” of the tree
c) Sub Lord defines the Quality of the Result whether good or bad or can be termed as the “Taste” of the result
Generally during my teaching sessions, I always ask a question on the purpose of Sub Sub Lord. More importantly, how do we use this practically in predictions? I am penning down “Two Golden” rules which are generally ignored by most of us.
Golden Rule No. 1: What happens when “Planet & Star-lord” is the same or the Planet is in Self Star?

Here, the role of Sub Sub Lord becomes very important as in this case, Star-Lord will be replaced by Sub Lord & Sub Lord will be replaced by Sub Sub Lord. The new scenario for accurate predictions is going to be:

Golden Rule No. 2: What happens when “Star-lord & Sub Lord” is the same?

Here, again the role of Sub Sub Lord becomes very important as in this case, Sub Lord will be replaced by Sub Sub Lord. The new scenario for accurate predictions is going to be:

Defining Future’s long journey of practical experience in Astrology Science proves that predictions can go wrong if we ignore this very important concept of KP Astrology.
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